Twitter is a platform for everyone. It doesn’t need any introductions. It has always been a way to connect with people from anywhere and everywhere.

It has allowed for more fans to have personal interactions with their favourite Movie stars and with their favourite Sports players or with the brands that those people use on daily basis. This is what allows Twitter to give a wide range of features that give people and businesses the tools they need to improve the quality of their profile as well. 

One such feature is what twitter likes to call “Tipping”. This Tipping feature will allow users to give or send money to their friends, family members or to their favourite businesses, creators and support their content. This support can go a long way sometimes in helping to grow said businesses. 

How wide will be its application is yet to be seen when the feature starts rolling out on all platforms!

Also, will this new feature come with its own negatives?

The answers to these questions and many more will soon reveal themselves in time. 

Until then, I request my followers to start up a conversation in the comments and tell us, What are your views?