Kenji Urai, managing director of Toshiba India, shares Toshiba's vision of an ideal society and how the company is contributing in providing lifenology with Dipti Srivastava

Is the change of guard in Indian politics anyway going to help Toshiba in providing better community solutions to Indian people?

We acknowledge that the new Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, is popular in Japan and has a great relationship with the Japanese PM, Mr Shinzo Abe.

He is very keen on the development of social infrastructure system and that is what Toshiba believes in delivering. Toshiba is now changing its focus from products to 'products with services'. It is essential for Toshiba to understand what the Indian government, society and the nation at large require to develop and establish our business. We aim to create effective relationship with Indian central and state governments. We would discuss mechanisms to measure and evaluate programmes and partnerships to produce outcomes with greater impact than what could be achieved independently.

Recently Toshiba globally announced 'Human Smart Community by lifenology' campaign. Could you explain it to us?

'Human Smart Community' is a part of Toshiba's new management vision and lifenology is the articulation of the vision, a coinage combining 'life' and 'technology'. The 'Human Smart Community' is Toshiba's vision of an ideal future that is a 'safe, secure, and comfortable society'. The three most important business operation areas for Toshiba are 'Energy', 'Cloud and Data storage' and 'Healthcare'.

In line with this new focus and business portfolio, our vision of 'Human Smart Community' will always work upon putting people's well-being first. We envision a future where everyone, everywhere in the world, can enjoy a flourishing, vibrant life.

Also, we collectively refer to Toshiba originated technologies, products and services that will provide people with a better quality of life as 'lifenology'.

Rather than relying on a single technology or product itself, by combining know-how derived from our wide range of technologies and services, we will create new value for people around the world. 'Lifenology' as a global vision of Toshiba will be applied internationally, but India specifically needs such solutions as a developing country. Toshiba plans to concentrate on applying this vision in India by constantly studying the people and their lives to create solutions that can make a difference.

Our vision and objectives are to bring a superior life to our Indian consumers through our technological innovations; technologies that are in harmony with human lives.

India has been one of the focus regions for Toshiba in the last few years with large-scale investments and policy making. In your opinion what are the core strengths and challenges of the nation?

We at Toshiba understand that India is facing many challenges like population growth, concentration in cities and the growing demand for energy and water and their shortage of supply. The important thing is how to use technology to provide solutions to life of people. One of the major challenges is how to use available but limited resources in a smart manner. We believe that smart community offers promising solutions to these problems. Toshiba's agenda is to provide innovative and result-oriented smart community solutions. In order to achieve our goal, we need meaningful innovation and partnerships.

The Indian and Japanese governments are thinking of Delhi-Mumbai, Chennai-Bangalore industrial corridor projects. This would be a good opportunity for Toshiba to put its innovative technology to good use for the development of India.

For development of industrial parks and residential townships, power generation and water treatment plants, transmission and distribution, and transport would be required. We have the latest technology in these areas. It is heartening that people in India are pro-technology and they understand and embrace changes that can help them improve their standard of living.

However, India is yet to realise and utilise its true potential across key critical areas like manufacturing, power generation, etc. One of the other key areas is water treatment field which is represented by the Clean Ganga Project planned by the Government of India. Toshiba has acquired 26% stake in UEM, an international multi-disciplinary environmental services company.

Toshiba would like to contribute to the water treatment field including this key project through this acquisition.

Toshiba has been expanding its businesses across the globe.What are the future plans for India by lifenology?

We feel that our social infrastructure business can improve the lives of the people of India. One of the major obstacles in India is the shortage and poor quality of electricity supply.

Toshiba can provide large-scale power generation and transmission systems. In addition, we can provide small-scale but smart solutions for power generation in comparatively short time period. Stable grid systems are very important for the quality of power generation. Toshiba uses the high accuracy electricity current analysis to calculate the requirement of power and that enables us to plan energy supply efficiently within the grid.

We plan to build such efficient social infrastructure in India throughout townships and industrial parks. Safety and comfort are the top most priority in our approach. Toshiba expects the Indian market to grow rapidly in the future and has not only promised to scale up investments, but also open up new jobs. The company will use its JV entity Toshiba JSW Power Systems to meet the needs of supercritical equipment for the power sector in India and abroad.

Toshiba sees India as a strategic business hub to the world in power generation and distribution equipment. In addition to 'Energy', 'Healthcare' makes a serious impact on human life in the modern era. For example, Toshiba is making diagnostic equipment in the form of a wearable gadget that allows you to monitor your health condition through your smartphone in real time. You can check your own health condition timely through smartphone or PC and can prevent various illnesses.

Where do you see India in the global graph by 2015? What else can be done to help the country move up the ladder?

India is slated to become the third largest economy with a share of 14.3% of global economy by 2015. India, which is now the fourth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, will increase its share from 8.2 in 2015 to 11.2% of world GDP by 2025. By 2035, India is likely to be a larger growth driver than the six largest countries in the European Union.
With this transformation from a developing to a developed country, India needs to overcome many hurdles like up-scaling infrastructure, strengthening power and transmission grids, and developing a faster and more convenient smart mode of transport. India is a large country with different requirements in different regions and it is most important to understand India and its needs to create suitable solutions for the country.
Indian society will require not just one solution but a mix of diverse solutions that will help the society be more sustainable. Hence Toshiba is bringing in various services to India, big and small, to deliver to the needs of Indian people. We expect that India will establish a mark with a higher position in the global graph. And Toshiba would continue to support India with its innovative social infrastructure solutions.