Last year, a member of Apple's sales team prepared a research document expressing concern about the growth in sales of smartphones with larger screens, while sales in the segment of phones including the iPhone were slowing.

Also last year, Apple introduced "Designed by Apple in California," a series of ads reminding people why it's good to buy Apple products — the company's first branding campaign since 1997.

And in reaction to an article in The Wall Street Journal questioning whether Apple had lost its cool to Samsung, Philip W Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for worldwide marketing, wrote in an email to colleagues: "We have a lot of work to do to turn this around."

In a San Jose courtroom Friday, Samsung's lawyers showed the internal Apple documents, hoping to paint a picture of Apple as a fading brand, concerned about its future after Samsung Electronics entered the handset market. Samsung had already proven to be a potent challenger to Apple in the smartphone market, and Samsung had already surpassed Nokia to become the largest handset maker in the world.

Apple filed its latest complaint against Samsung more than two years ago in US District Court in San Jose, accusing Samsung of infringing on software patents by copying features found in both the iPhone and iPad, including the "slide to unlock" feature for logging in.

Apple's lawyers have insisted that the fight is about extracting up to $2 billion from Samsung to discourage it from copying. But Samsung's lawyers have said Apple was trying to stifle consumer choice by attacking Google's Android system, which runs on more than 1 billion devices on the market.

To prove Samsung was not copying, Samsung's lawyers on Friday focused on demonstrating that Apple is now the one playing catch-up with Samsung and the Android system, not the other way around.

Schiller, who was being questioned by Samsung's lawyers when the documents were brought up, said he disagreed with any view that Apple had lost its cool with Samsung. He also said the internal sales presentation did not represent Apple's policy, and that he disagreed with its sentiment.

Regarding the article in The Wall Street Journal, Schiller said he was referring to the reporter's "slanted view of the facts" that he disagreed with.

Greg Christie, a vice president at Apple who was one of the engineers of the first iPhone, was also called as a witness Friday. He recounted his experience developing features on the iPhone, including the "slide to unlock" feature for logging into the phone. Christie said the feature was an important invention that invited people to use the phone because it didn't "talk down to the customer." But in response to questioning from Samsung's lawyer, he said he didn't know how the feature had affected Apple's sales.

In the suit, Apple is asking for $40 for every infringing Samsung phone sold in the United States. Legal experts have said the challenge for Apple will be proving that just a handful of features could be worth so much money when there are thousands of patented inventions inside a smartphone.

The jury is expected to deliver a verdict at the end of April.