Nokia Lumia shipments continue to jump.

       Nokia may be set to report another surge in Lumia sales if a new report from the Wall Street Journal proves true.

Citing the usual "people familiar with the matter," the Journal said Monday that Nokia sold at least 8 million Lumia Windows Phone handsets last quarter. That achievement would mark the fourth quarter in a row in which Lumia sales increased both from the immediately preceding quarter and from the same quarter a year earlier.

Nokia sold 7.4 million Lumias during the second quarter of 2013 and 2.9 million during the third quarter of 2012. The company will report its results for 2013's third quarter on October 29.

Thought vastly outshined by Android and iOS, Microsoft's Windows Phone OS is firmly in third place among all mobile operating systems. Global shipments of Windows Phone devices jumped by more than 77 percent in the second quarter, according to IDC. And Nokia accounted for 81.9 percent of those shipments.

The Finnish phone maker is set to add even more products to its lineup. Nokia will hold a launch event in Abu Dhabi early Tuesday in which it's expected to unveil a new six-inch Lumia phone, a Lumia tablet, and several other devices.